How to Address Board Performance Problems

A comprehensive approach is needed for boards that want to improve their performance. This should include ensuring the board has the proper combination of skills, creating a positive culture by streamlining processes and executing regular evaluations. Through addressing these areas, boards can drive best practices and speed the decision-making process.

The chair of the board is an important element in determining how a board functions. A chair who lacks leadership or coordination skills will not be able to create an environment which directors are able to share their views and participate in productive conversations. In the same way, a chair who is too strict and insecure may create an environment in which the board is not transparent and can stifle discussion.

Dysfunction is among the most frequently-reported issues a board faces. This issue can be the result of personal conflicts between board members, or it could be due to inadequate structures that facilitate the board’s responsibility for performance assessment. The transfer of these duties to an executive committee or board will often result in inadequate supervision.

A board’s ability to access and analyze data is a crucial aspect. Access to the right data will increase the effectiveness of board members and enable boards to make better decisions. Many boards lack effective methods for sourcing data and sharing it. It will be difficult to improve the performance of a board unless this issue is addressed.

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